Warm water is used for various activities, such as baths, handwashing, dishwashing, cooking and laundry. In addition, the average person utilises hot water up to twenty times a day, which must be multiplied as per the number of household members. Due to the extensive use, you must consider the expectations placed upon your humble water heater. With time, you’ll notice that the water heater must be replaced. This could be due to multiple reasons; age and usage strain, being the majority of them.
Though you can prolong your water heater with yearly maintenance, you must have the existing tank replaced by a brand-new one. This saves higher water and energy bills along with preventing safety risks.
Water heaters must be replaced when you notice noises, inability in heating water, rusting and leakage. Though they survive up to a certain age, this doesn’t work for all water heaters. Gas hot water systems last between six and eight years, but corrosion indicates irreparable decay.
You’ll notice it in the water quality, such as in discolouration and tiny particles in the water. Due to the resulting leakage, you’ll be at risk of safety and corrosion issues. Rust is a sure-shot sign that the water heater must be replaced, as steel tanks and water pipes are usually made from steel. Rusty water is common in gas hot water systems that have crossed the expiration date, along with rust around the tank’s pressure relief valve and water inlet.
As mentioned above, water heaters last for about eight to ten years. However, with time, they become worn out and less efficient. Also, you’ll start looking for advanced features once your family’s requirements change. Unfortunately, most owners don’t know when to change their water heaters, which poses several safety risks as the heater stops working properly due to its age.
You must replace the water system when it stops heating water – which is the purpose of having a water heater. Unfortunately, weird noises also indicate that the heater is dying, especially when you have to resort to banging on the system. At first, you’ll notice that the system makes noises only when it’s in use. Unfortunately for the inhabitants, this would only worsen over time. So instead of wasting money on frequent repairs, contact us at Pinnacle Plumbing for a hot water replacement system.